Wednesday, January 5, 2011


3/1/2011,这一天,发生了很多事。一早,我看眼睛,接着换登记,吃早餐,陪妈到店去~~~ 来到了中午,妈又开始发冷了,身体不停的抖~真的把我给吓坏了!!毕竟第一次见识到这种情况~下午4时左右,妈突然呼吸困难,脸色突然变白,没有血色,过后马一直不停的抖,然后不停的吩咐我跟妹一起帮她按摩背部和脚部。。因为妈的身体开始麻痹了,可能会导致没知觉。。所以我们也不停的按!出力的按!!不让妈倒下~!这一刻真得深深地印在我的脑海里!!我怕,我怕失去妈妈,怕妈妈离开~我怕一个人~ 我不管了,尽管妈说不必看医生,结果我们还是决定把她送去fatimah医院,终好过在那儿受苦~结果扶妈妈上车后坐~就开车往怡保去!!上到司机座位,我的手脚已不受我控制,一直在抖,可能紧张吧~才会这样。。一路上我不停地回头往妈妈,喘气的妈妈似乎要让我放心驾车,一直望着望后镜~~为了不让妈担心,我安全驾驶。虽然是110时速,但还是安全的到达医院~我还是第一次以20分钟到达怡保~神奇。。。 到了医院的紧急入口,传来了医务人员。他推了辆轮椅把妈妈推进紧急室里~~ 我才松了口气~ 引擎关了,打了通电话给hubby,听到了他的声音,不自觉地哭了起来,因为听到你的声音后,心就定下来了。。


Saturday, January 1, 2011

31 Dec 2010

31st of December 2010, it was the end of year 2010. Everyone celebrated this big day with happy mood~ But for me, that was nothing special for today... How you celebrate this big day? Any meaningful for you today? I went out with my sis, suewen and belle.. Where we go??! We didn't plan to go anywhere at the first~ but after they sat on my cutie car, just planned to go to Ipoh Greentown~

When we reached ipoh, we went to Ipoh Parade, Etude House and bought some cosmetic.. I bought a BB Cream-RM30.00 from there and Make Up Remover-RM13.52 from Watson.Hahaha... I'm happy because I had my own BB cream at last. After that we moved into my cutie car, suewen and belle had a make up section in my car~AWESOME~!

The next station was MP Restaurant. We planned to have our dinner at there but there were too many people~PLUS,their service is damn lousy~ PUIK~! Then we walked around Greentown and saw many malay guys waiting for countdown section~ So, we leave to De Garden.

After half an hour, we found out a car park for my cutie car~ But it was challenged me because the car park is narrow and my tecnique of driving is lousy~hehehe...paiseh... We walked around De Garden and we saw 2 girls were dancing on the stage~woW! We stayed few minutes and enjoyed the show~ Sexy girls danced on the dance floor~huhu...

blahblahblah~~ to be continue...goodnight...